Object: EC Regulation n.1333/2008 – "Food additives"
Dear Customer A.MI.CO. Fugar,
we hereby inform you that is entered into force EC Regulation n.1333/2008 relative to food additives, which states that from the 20th of July 2010 for food containing the following colorings: E-102 Tartrazina (color yellow tartrazina); E-104 Quinoline Yellow (color yellow); E-110 Sunset Yellow (color sunset yellow); E-122 Carmoisine (color strawberry red); E-120 Ponceau 4R (brilliant red); E-129 Allura Red (red) is required to put on label the additional information “may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children”.
That decision has been made following scientific evidences about possible risks of intolerances/allergies and behavioral changes in children, although these colorings continue to be allowed by national and European legislation.
However, food already on the market or labeled before that date may be commercialized until their minimum durability date (best before) or expiry date (Articles 24, 31 and Annex V of EC Regulation No. 1333/2008).
Fugar, always attentive to the quality and safety of consumers, first of all children, has decided not to use such dyes in favour of natural colours.
In this regard, we advise that the natural dyes have specific “contraindications”, such as:
- very different tone than the artificial colours,
- darker colours, opaque and less bright,
- durability significantly lower,
- possible discoloration over time,
- higher costs of 500%
The decision not to use these dyes did not involve just a trivially simple non-use, but a research and development lasted several months: it is clear that renounce the use of these dyes in our products for which consumers are accustomed to have a “more lively” reference made it necessary to seek alternatives that combine the non-use of these dyes with a product equally pleasant to the eye and as close as possible to the previous year.
A “natural” choice conscious and consistent with our business principles, certain that it is shared and appreciated by all our customers.
We encourage you to pay attention to the labels of all compound ingredients and raw materials that You will use from 20th of July 2010 seeing that You will be required to inform the final consumer of the eventual presence of these dyes, showing them on ingredients panel with the additional information “may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children”.